Dress your current life & body with confidence.

Maybe you have a closet full of clothes that fit the person you used to be: before kids, before Covid, before divorce, before you switched careers.

Maybe you remember a time when you felt fabulous in your clothes, but somehow that ability seems to have slipped away and you don’t know how to start getting it back.

Maybe you were raised to believe that style is a shallow pursuit, but now you feel like you’re behind the 8-ball socially or professionally when everyone else seems to know what they’re doing.

Maybe all the “shoulds” in your closet (should fit, shouldn’t have bought, should appreciate) are in the way every morning, but you can’t seem to let them go.

Maybe you buy a lot of clothes you don’t wind up wearing, because you never feel quite right in them even when you try.

Getting dressed can be a pleasure, not a struggle. There are so many ways we deny ourselves this pleasure and demoralize ourselves in the process:

  • We tell ourselves we’ll start investing in clothes when we lose the weight

  • We deprioritize our appearance while we raise kids, only to feel lost and befuddled about how to look good when we come out of the hardcore momming years

  • We bombard our emotions every time we open the closet door with reminders of disappointments and failures- things we never wore, things we can’t wear anymore

Your clothes touch you more each day than your partner, your kids, your pets. They communicate your self-worth to you. 

Do your clothes say: “Don’t even try. It doesn’t matter. This compromise is fine. No one is looking at you anyway”? 

Or do they say: “You’re as beautiful now as ever. You’re worthy of attention, comfort, and visibility”?

The people who love you want you to feel confident and happy. If you’re tired of putting yourself on the shelf and ready to shine in a way that fits your lifestyle and personality, let’s talk.

A friendly closet is a self-care practice

  • Full service personal styling

  • Closet audit

  • Personal shopping

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